Welcome, this is me, Pearl!

Pearl's Giving Back

As all my fans know, I was a shelter kitten.  I found my Mommy very quickly, but that is not the case for all shelter kitties.


If you are hoping to be a Mommy or Daddy, get down to your local shelter.  There are many lovely felines just waiting to look you over.  I'm sure one of them will just love you!


If you are not able to be a Mommy or Daddy at this time, you can still help.  Most shelters will accept donations such as the following:






Many shelters will also accept donations of money marked for things like shots, spaying or neutering, and medical care.


My Mommy and I donate as often as we can!


Don't forget that special needs kitties can also be wonderful, loving, additions to the household.  So, don't worry if you are picked by a special needs feline.


Pearl Recycles!


Once again fans, it has come to my attention that we felines are not doing all we can.  This is a picture of me, Pearl, recycling.  Recycling is so important for the environment.  Not just recycling, but buying products made with recycled materials.  My Mommy and I work hard to make sure we are doing our part.  I inspect all the recyclables to make certain that we are following all the rules.  I've also instructed Mommy to buy products that are biodegradable and products made with recycled materials.  Unfortunately, there are not enough of these products and sometimes we have to buy items that can't be recycled or composted.  That makes me sad. 

 So get busy letting your Mommy or Daddy know about this issue and help them learn all the benefits of recycling.  Remember fellow felines, we are in charge!  It is up to us.

Pearl Makes Friends

Hey everybody!  The other day Mommy took donations to our local Animal Shelter and found a few very young felines waiting to pick out their new mommies and daddies!  Here are some pictures of them.  So if you are needing a feline, rush down to the shelter.  Don't worry if you don't get picked to be a mommy or daddy this time.  I'm sure there is a feline out there wanting to pick you.

I have posted a picture of the sweetest little felines below.  They are still too little to choose a Mommy or Daddy, but they will grow.