Hey all you cats and kittens! This is Pearl with the Pearl Report. Today's topic is Computers and T.V.
There are two important pieces of technology in my house and that is the computer and the television. Humans are not always good with technology. It is the job of the resident feline to help their human. I take this job very seriously as I do all my jobs. Felines are very conscientious about their work.
Mommy and I work on the computer in the mornings. I help her by walking on the keyboard and touching the touch screen with my paw. She tells me "No, Pearl," and puts me on the floor. This is her way of saying she wants to do it herself, but she really can't, so I just jump back up and start helping again. It takes much longer to get our work done because Mommy tries so hard to do it herself. I think it is important to praise her efforts, so I give her some affection while we are working.
Before Mommy goes to bed, she watches T.V. She likes to watch mystery and detective shows. I lay on the couch with her but I only pretend to watch. There is always a dead human in the show and I don't see what's interesting about that. If it was a dead feline, I would watch because anyone who would hurt a feline is a very bad person and deserves to be punished. I have posted a picture of me, Pearl, pretending to be interested in Mommy's television show.
Sometimes, Mommy turns on a show that is very interesting. The shows I like have a big aquarium with fish. They are fun to watch but I don't understand where they go when they leave the screen. I've looked behind the T.V. but they're not there. It is a little magical. I also like watching the show with the birds at a feeder. I've posted a picture of me watching television.
A little while ago, I was introduced to a new program. In this show, there are little men who run around and try to catch or carry a ball. The men are in groups called teams. The best teams are named after felines, like the tigers, lions, or wildcats. I've never seen a picture of a wildcat, but they must be a feline. Other teams are named after different species and they are not as good. There is even one team named after my dog! That's silly. My dog just eats and sleeps mostly, so he would never play the game. That team must be really bad. I think I would be good at the game. My team could give the ball to me. I don't think anyone on the other team could catch me. I am too fast. If they did catch me and take my ball, I would bite them and get it back.
So, fellow felines, be sure to help your Mommy or Daddy with their computers and watch some television. It can be very exciting or relaxing depending on which program you watch.
Keep scratching, until next time!
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