
Published on 5 September 2023 at 15:54

Hey all you cats and kittens!  This is Pearl with the Pearl Report.  Today's topic, Indoor vs. Outdoor cats.

First, let me say, that I am an indoor cat.  However, as I sit in the place by the window that Mommy got for me, I see quite a few outdoor cats.  At first, it looked like much more fun to be an outdoor cat.  I used to try to run out the door, sometimes I still do, but most of the time I am fine being an indoor cat.  That's because I'm older now, so I understand that outdoor cats aren't having any more fun than I am as an indoor cat.  Plus, they are exposed to many more hazards and dangers than I am.

There are many enticing things outdoors.  There are birds, dogs, other cats, and squirrels.  Yesterday, I saw a squirrel in my yard.  He was very interesting.  He climbed up the tree and then looked at me like he thought he was safe.  I knew that if Mommy let me out, I could catch him.  He would not be feeling safe for long.  While I was watching a big hawk flew over.  Hawks and other birds of prey are very dangerous for felines, especially the young ones.  I do not think that birds should be allowed to eat cats.  If a hawk tried to get me, I would bite him.  Seeing the hawk made me realize why I'm an inside cat.

Here are some of the dangers that outdoor felines face.  Also, stray cats face these dangers.  I shudder to think what might have happened to me, if I had not gone to the shelter and found my Mommy.

1. Dogs - Yes fellow felines, not all dogs are friendly.  My dog is a good dog, but some dogs are mean.  You should be very careful around any dog that does not belong to you.

2. Other cats - It is terrible to say, but not all felines are friendly.  Some have been abused and are not mentally sound.  You should avoid these felines.

3. Disease - All felines, indoor and outdoor ones, should get vaccinated and should keep their vaccinations current.

4. Pesticides and Poisons - Mommy had an outdoor kitty before me that was poisoned.  This was probably an accident.  Many humans are careless and don't take the proper precautions.  They leave car fluids, paint, household cleaners, and pesticides laying around where cats can find them.  Being curious and intelligent creatures, we always investigate.  This could end very badly as it did in Mommy's outdoor kitty's case.  If I find out which neighbor was careless with their things, I will bite them.

5. Cars - I admit that I'm fascinated with cars.  Mommy drives one and sometimes I ride in it.  It is very big compared to me.  I like to run out in the garage and inspect it.  Mommy gets annoyed when I do that.  While cars are interesting, they can also mash felines easily.  So, it is important to not go near moving cars.

6. Bad People - Yes, fellow felines, there are bad people.  Be sure to read my experience of being violated.

The above reasons for being an indoor cat are pretty compelling.  Here is another reason.  Indoor cats on average live longer than outdoor cats.  Some of my research claimed that indoor cats can live 3 times longer than outdoor cats.

Some Mommies and Daddies think that having an indoor cat is cruel to the cat.  They think the cat is much happier outside.  I can tell them that it is not true.  I am very happy.  I get to hang out with Mommy!  In addition, Mommy buys me lots of toys.  Yesterday, she set up a cat fountain.  She says I'm supposed to drink from it, but I like to slap the water and jump back and forth over it.  We are always doing fun and new things, so I am never bored, but I am often tired out.  I have posted some pictures of me playing.  In the second picture, you can see my new cat fountain.  In the third picture, I'm taking a nap with my dog.


So to have the best life, fellow felines, be an indoor cat.

Keep scratching, until next time.
